小學5年級上册英語人教版單詞錶 鷹潭一小5年級上册英語人教版的單詞錶

小學5年級上册英語人教版單詞錶 鷹潭一小5年級上册英語人教版的單詞錶

young funny tall strong king old short thin who's=who is Mr what;s=what is like he's=he is strict smart activer quiet she's=she is very but
黑體:principal university student
☆:Monday(Mon)Tuesday(Tue.)Wednesdat(Wed.)Thursday(Thu.)Friday(Fri.)day wait have on do homework whtch TV read books Saturday(Sat.)Sunday(Sun.)What about too
eggplant fish green beans tofu potato tomato for lunch we tasty sweet sour fresh salty favourite they 're=they are fruit don't=do not grape
黑體:cabbage pork mntton healthy
cook the meals water the flowers sweep the floor clean the bed room make the bed set the table wash the cloths do the dishes use the computer
黑體:empty the trash put away the clothes
river flower grass lake forest paty park picture house bridge tree road builiding clean
黑體:sky cloud mountain village city
☆:river flower grass lake forest paty park picture house bridge tree road builiding clean




(一)Not long after an old Chinese woman came back to China from her visit to her daughter in the States,she went to a city bank to deposit the US dollars her daughter gave her. At the bank counter…

