

Look at the sky
One day,Charley bought a hot dog in a snack bar after school .
Suddenly,he stopped and raised his head high .He kept looking at the sky .It lasted two minutes .
A woman passed by .she saw Charley looking at the sky .and she stooped and also looked at the sky .
The sky was blue .There were some white clouds .Charley still looked at the sky and didn’t move a bit .The woman also went on looking at the sky .
Mary passers-by stopped .They looked at the sky,too .
After a while,charley lowered his head .He laughed and asked .“what are you looking for in the sky”
The woman said:“why are you looking at the sky”
“I didn’t look at the sky .”Charley pointed to his nose .”My nose was bleeding .”


The Fox and the Crow“狐狸和烏鴉”
One day a crow stood on a branch near his nest and felt very happy with the meat in hismouth.Atthat time,a fox saw the crow with the meat,so he swallowed and eagerly thought of a plan to get themeat.However,whatever the fox said to the crow,the crow just keptsilent.Untilthe fox thought highly of the crow’s beautiful voice,the crow felt flattered and opened his mouth tosing.Assoon as the meat fell down to the ground,the fox took the meat and went into his hole.


I like banana very much.
banana always grows in the warm area.
it's nice to eat,and it is good for our healths.
like us,monkeys also like to eat bananas.
you can see this in the zoo.


Guess Who I Am I am black and white.I givemilk.Guesswho Iam.It’s me,the cow!I have a red comb.I layeggs.Guesswho Iam.It’s me,the hen!I eat hay.I can run veryfast.Guesswho Iam.It’s me…


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What dose stress mean?when are you under stress and what makes you feel stressed?

ladies and gentleman:
Now,let's share my opinion about stress.
Well,about stress,I think every one here have experiments and the memory about it.
In my humble opinion,things that make us feel stressed are the ones we care most,such as,a job interview,or even today's reporthere.Becausewe paid much attention,we careit.Andthen,it can make usnervous.Orelse,maybe you have a high request about yourself or you have set a goal foryourself.Toachieve the goal,we paid much attention and energy .Though,it's uncertain for ourselves to realize it or achieve it.
For me,nowadays,what make me feel under stressed is the finalexam.Maybeit 's just because that my parents expect much of me.I think a keen expectation from my parents is also some kind ofstress.ButI don't think some kind of stress isharmful.Onthe contrary,I think stress is some kind of force that makes us progress if only you have a correctattitude on it.
Well,my topic isended.Thankyou .

三分鐘的演講內容有四個選題:1.my school life 2.my teacher and i 3.I'd like to him/her 4.My future,I design演講內容按自己選的選題來定內容.最好是有錄音的哦這樣可以跟著讀

My future,I design演講稿【By Kaiser3344】
Man’s life is a process of growing up,actually I’m standing here is agrowth.Ifa person’s life must constituted by various choices,then I grow up along with thesechoices.OnceI hope I can study in a college in future,however that’s passed,as you know I come here,now I wonder what the future holds for me.
When I come to this school,I told tomyself:this mynear future,all startshere.FollowingI will learn to become a man,a integrated man,who has a fine body,can take on important task,has independent thought,an open mind,intensive thought,has the ability to judge right and wrong,has a perfect job.
Once my teacher said:”you are not sewing,you are stylist;never forget which you should lay out to people is your thought,not craft.”I will put my personality with my interest and ability into my study,during these process I will combine learning withdoing.IfI can achieve this“future”,I think that I really growup.AndI deeplybelieve kindred,good-fellowship and love will perfection and happy in the future.
How to say future?Maybe it’s a nicewish.Let's make up our minds,stick to it and surely well enjoy our life.


Ladies and gentlemen,it's my honor to be here today to give you thisspeech.Mytopic is“the pains of growing up”
When i was a child,I hoped to grow upimmediately.However,having grown up,how I wish i were a child!Once we grow up,the carefree times have flown away and there are so many pains waiting for us!
First comes the pains ofstudying.Exactly,studying itself ispleasant.Whatpains us are examinations andscores.Wehave to study those boring subjects and try to get high scores inexams.It's really painful.
We also suffer from dealing withothers.Sometimeswe may find that some people are hard to get alongwith.Sometimeswe may quarrel with intimatefriends.Suchthings always hurt our feelings.
Parents may bring us pains,too.Wethink they don't understandus.Theyforbid us to do what interests us and force us to do what wehate.Theykeep telling us what to do and what not to do as is we knewnoting.Theydon't really care what is in our mind.
Later,some may suffer pains of losing love,pains of working and then of suppoting a family.
Growing up seems to mean endless pains,.So many people wish to return to childhood.
But you know,that'simpossible.Wecan do nothing but stand up and overcome them,even enjoy them and shoulder our responsibilities.
My dear classmates,don't be afraid of growing up!Don't be afraid ofpains.Nopains,nogains.Onlyafter tasting pains can we better enjoy sweetness andhappiness.Let's grow up in pains,grow up from pains.
Thank you!


Hello there~
today i am going to hold a topic about the animals
personally,i am very like animals,beacause i think all the creatures are our friend.
i like lion,leopard,tiger,wolf,dog and so on.
i like them especially when they running free,i felt so cool when they running.
Lion is my favourite animal,cause they are strength,powerful and brave,but quite cute some time.
i dont like snake,i feel afraid and sick of them,indeed,i thought them is very fearful.
anyway,i do hope people dont hurt any kinds of animal and be remember:animal is ourfriend.weshould protect them and take care of them.
thank you for attend my lecture~