請問the one of the boys和the only one of the boys後面接定語從句,關係詞有什麼區別嗎? 不是說先行詞有only修飾,關係詞必須用that? 如果是先行詞是the one of the films,one of the films,關係詞分別用什麼?

請問the one of the boys和the only one of the boys後面接定語從句,關係詞有什麼區別嗎? 不是說先行詞有only修飾,關係詞必須用that? 如果是先行詞是the one of the films,one of the films,關係詞分別用什麼?

對,the one of the boys先行詞是theone.theonly one先行詞是the only one只能用that第二個,the one of the films .one前面有the,很明顯是強調,所以先行詞是the one.而one of the films先行詞則是the films,兩者…

關於one of等在定語從句中的用法如何判斷先行詞
1)He was one of the students who were late this morning.
其中關係代詞who代指先行詞the students,句意為“很多學生今早遲到,而他只是其中之一而已”.
2)He was the only one of the students who was late this morning.
其中關係代詞who代指先行詞the only one,
這兩個句子很典型請問怎麼判斷先行詞麼為啥一個就是the students一個就是the only one還有請問the one of=the only one of麼

one of後面的複數,謂語也是用複數的,所以He was one of the students who were late this morning正確
the only one of the students,裡面有一個only採取的是單數原則

定語從句中one of和the one of有什麼區別?

I like the books,one of which is written by Trolstoy.
I like the book,the one of which all of us are fond.
one of which被修飾的主詞是複數,“其中之一”的意思
the one of which被修飾的主詞是單數,“就是那個”的意思.

most of bread用單數還是複數(謂語動詞)
另外,most of後面可以加可數也可以加不可數嗎?那麼謂語動詞用什麼?


請問most後面接名詞用單數還是複數?most of呢?

most後名詞單複數均可,錶“大多數”,most of後通常接可數名詞,錶“.中的大多數”,與most的區別是它有個大概訓示的範圍

A great deal of是否可加可數名詞

a great deal of後面只能跟不可數名詞
I spent a great deal of my time on this work.我在這項工作上花了不少時間.
另外,a great deal of也可說成a good deal of.

a great deal of可以接可數名詞嗎?求答案

在回答這個問題之前我們先看看a deal的英文意思,a deal中的deal是名詞,a deal的英文意思是“a large amount;much(dated)”,中文意思是“大量;非常”,其中a deal作much解這一用法已過時,a deal of的意思是“大量的,許多(這一用法也已過時)”,先看下麵的例子:
I've got a deal to do this week.這個星期我有很多事情要做.
a deal在句中用作賓語,意思是“很多事情”.此時a deal所指比較籠統,若要明明白白地指出所談對象,需在後面加of,例句如下:
I've got a deal of work to do this week.這個星期我有很多工作要做.
a deal of用作work的定語,意思是“大量的,許多,很多”.(類似於a deal of work的還有a deal of time / a deal of money等等)
a deal作much解時的例句如下(a deal的這種用法已過時):
在a deal中的deal前加上great或good後就成為a great deal / a good deal(注意great和good都以g開頭),這樣做對deal有強調之意.a great deal / a good deal的英文意思是“a large quantity of something [ = a lot ];much”,中文意思是“大量的,很多;非常(多)”.我們先談談a great deal.
a great deal是名詞片語,在句中用作賓語時意為a great of things,用作狀語時可用來修飾動詞、形容詞或副詞的比較級,意思是very much.例句如下:
They had a great deal to talk about.他們有很多事情要談.
a great deal在句中作賓語,意思是“很多事情,很多東西,很多情况,.”(較籠統).在a great deal後加上of可用來明確指出所談對象,例句如下:
He has given me a great deal of help.他已經給了我很多幫助.(他已經幫了我很多.)
a great deal of用作help的定語,意思是“大量的,很多”.(類似於a great deal of help的還有a great deal of concern/coffee/praise等等)
a great deal修飾動詞、形容詞或副詞的比較級的例句如下:
The nurses did a great deal to keep my wound clean of infection.護士盡力使我的傷口保持潔淨,不受感染.(修飾動詞)
He was a great deal interested in music.他對音樂非常感興趣.(修飾形容詞)
You'd feel a great deal more comfortable if you did.如果你做了你就會覺得更舒服.(修飾形容詞比較級)
She is a great deal better today.她今天身體好多了.(修飾副詞比較級)
This term Tom studies a great deal harder than last term.湯姆這個學期學習比上個學期努力多了.(修飾副詞比較級)
總之,將a deal / a great deal / a good deal與much結合起來分析你就會覺得這些詞之間有著緊密的聯系,理解起來就容易多了.同樣,將a deal of / a great deal of / a good deal of與much結合起來分析很多問題便豁然開朗了.下麵我們看一些例子:
Much debate has been generated by Thornton's controversial paper.很多爭論都是由桑頓的有爭議的論文產生的.
A great deal of the exhibition was devoted to his recent work.= Much of the exhibition was devoted to his recent work.這次展覽大多用於展示他的新作.
a good deal(of)與a great deal(of)用法相同,只是後者用得更普遍.
關於這個問題,我們要從歷史角度來看才行.以前的英、美國家的詞典中出現過a great deal of後面接可數名詞的例子,但是後來都被修正為接不可數名詞.這樣a great deal of只接不可數名詞便成了常識.不過,a great deal of可同時接不可數名詞和可數名詞,例子如下:

a great deal是修飾可數還是不可數?

a great deal of+不可數名詞
a great number of+可數名詞複數

a great/large number of後面可以接不可數名詞嗎?

a great/large number of後面接可數名詞.
a great deal of後面接不可數名詞.

a large number of只可用在可數名詞前.

a large number of students