詞組辨析 ...out --Oh,my God!It's a sea of bikes.How can you ____ your bike? --That's easy!My bike went wrong.Besides,I tied a red ribbon to it A.find out B.pick out C.take out D.get out 請問選哪個,謝了!

詞組辨析 ...out --Oh,my God!It's a sea of bikes.How can you ____ your bike? --That's easy!My bike went wrong.Besides,I tied a red ribbon to it A.find out B.pick out C.take out D.get out 請問選哪個,謝了!

(1)find out
find (sth) out(經研究或詢問)獲知的(某實物)Can you find out what time the train leaves?你能查問出火車什麼時候離開嗎?
find sb out 發現某人做錯事、說謊等:He had been cheating the taxman but it was found out.他一直在欺騙稅務局,但多年之後才被查出.
(2)pick out
pick sb/sth out
(a)挑選出某人[某事物]She was picked out fome thousands of applicants for the job.從數千申請人中條選出她來做那份工作.
(b)分辨出某人[某事物]It was just possble to pick out the huton the side of the mountain.那小舍座落在山邊,隱約可見.