Have you heard of the story of Chang'e It——like this:there lived a beautiful woman on the moon.A.tells B.comes C.goes D.says

Have you heard of the story of Chang'e It——like this:there lived a beautiful woman on the moon.A.tells B.comes C.goes D.says


Have you ever heard of the story of Holi?
--It ____likethis:there wasa bad king.
A tells B comes C goes D says

c goes

I have never heard of the story.改為一般疑問句
hurry up,or you'll be late for school.同義句
the tree is verytall.wecan't reach it.合併
I was sweeping the floor,it began to rain.合併

have you ever heard of the story?hurry up,and you'll not be late forschool.thetree is so tall that we can't reach it.I was sweeping the floorwhen it began to rain.

turn開頭的片語+用法【比如:turn on】

1. turn in①歸還②就寢③將某人交給警方拘押2. turn up①出現,到達②開大音量③被發現或找到④查(字典等)3. turn on①打開②依賴③突然攻擊某人4. turn off關掉(煤氣、水、電、收音…


out of date
out of control
out of danger
out and out
take out
go out

比如work out,make out等等…

reach out伸出
get out出去,離開,逃脫,洩露,擺脫,弄出來,說出,出版
hand out把…拿出來,分發,施捨
put out放出,伸出,生產,消除,打擾,麻煩,作出努力,使退場
give out分發;發放
hand out分發;發放
work out得出(結果、總數等)
run out of用光;耗盡
go out出去;熄滅
find out查明;弄清
look out當心
sell out售完
take out拿出
out of breath上氣不接下氣的
out of control控制不了的
out of date過時的,廢棄的
out of doors在露天,在戶外
out of one's mind瘋了
out of season不合時令的,過時的
Out Of Sight,Out Of Mind眼不見,心不煩
out of someone's way與某人慣常的做法不一樣,不順路,不妨礙
out of the way不同尋常的
out of touch不聯系,不接觸,未發揮特長或才能
out of work失業的


to make a telephone call
give someone a ring
ring up
make a call
give…a call
make a phone call


1 not at all --------------------一點也不
2 end up-------------------------最後
3 make mistakes------------------犯錯誤
4 later on-----------------------隨後
5 be afraid to ------------------害怕
6 laugh at-----------------------嘲笑
7 take note ---------------------做筆記
8 look up------------------------查(字典)
9 make up------------------------組成
10 make vocabulary list-----------做單詞錶
11 English-language videos--------英語錄像帶
12 practice pronunciation---------練習發音
13 speaking skill-----------------口語技能
14 specific suggestions-----------明確的(具體的)建議
15 helped a lot-------------------幫助很大
16 get los of practice------------做了很多的練習
17 get excited--------------------感到興奮
18 get pronunciation right--------正確發音
19 to begin with -----------------開始
20 it doesn't matter(if)---------(如果..
21 complete sentence -------------完整的句子
22 change…into…---------------把…變成(當成)…
23 regards…as…---------------視…為
24 stay angry(for years)…(about)(為…)生氣了(很多年)
25 go by -------------------------(時間)流逝
26 decide not to do Sth-----------决定不做某事
27 deal with ---------------------解决
28 compare…to…----------------與…做比較
29 worry about -------------------擔心…
30 face the challenge-------------面對挑戰
31 break off----------------------中斷,停止
32 try one's best-----------------盡某人的力
33 be angry with------------------對…生氣
34 with the help on/of------------在…
35 keep a diary-------------------記日記
36 working with friends-----------和朋友一起工作/學習
37 break off a friend ship -------中斷友誼(絕交)
38 by think of a problem-----------通過思考問題
39 in a positive way---------------通過樂觀的方法/想法

unit1 1 not at all --------------------一點也不2 end up-------------------------最後3 make mistakes------------------犯錯誤4 later on-----------------------隨後5 be afraid to ------------------害…

如題They all didwrong:why singleout Harry for criticism?
