翻譯“you areright.Maybeeating breakfast willhelp me get rid of some of the knots in my stomach.“

翻譯“you areright.Maybeeating breakfast willhelp me get rid of some of the knots in my stomach.“


what are the best ways for you to get rid of the bad emotion?

Yes,actually every person may have a bad emotion in a certain situation or in a certain period of time.
However,the rational ones always have good ways to control theirmoods.Asthe saying goes,“Without the ability to control yourself,you can never be mature”.
As followed,I enthusiastically recommend a way to release yourself,doing sports,or ratherly,we call it“let the anger or anxiety off”.Usually people let themselves loose by quarreling with acquaintances or even fighting with
strangers.Apparently,this kind of people are totally out of minds!The negative behaviours led by the negative moods will not only affect the social skills,but contribute to the terrible results such as fining(罰款),detaining(拘留)aswell.Sohow we let the negative moods off becomes thepoint.Whynot do boxings in the Sports Club?Imaiginethat the sandbag are the anger and complaints in your mind or more directly,the body of your enemy,you are putting the sandbags in and around…(But Americans cannot have the second sort of ideas because if they have,they are committing the crime.)After doing 20 minutes' exhausting sports,I believe everybody will be completely tired and then feelrelaxed after a comfortableshower.Besideboxing,we can benefit a lot from jogging,swimming and some ball games.
So when you have bad moods and really cannot bear the depressed feelings inside,just let it off.I believe doing sports helps us more than other means.

what way are you thinking of ___rid of this kid of pollution?
A to get
B get
C getting
D got

原句:what way are you thinking of getting rid of this kid of pollution?
of in from on等代詞後面接名詞或者動名詞.n或者doing,屬於固定句式.

你有多少雙襪子many\socks \how \pairs\of\do\have\you

答案:【How many pairs of socks do you have】
答案;【Beijing is the capital city of China.】
答案;【May I eat in restaurant?】

are hundreds of pyramids there in Mexico.

there are hundreds of pyramids in Mexico.

1.you know social from signs see will the rules the you(.)
2.the does with mother girl her after like with playing piano the a book of candy paper in the classroom school(?)
3.a an uniform umbrella be there on teacher's desk the the in classroom(?)
4.the in boy would to blue like invite his birthday twelfth friends to party November on 11th(.)

1.You will know the social rules from the sings you see.
2.Does the girl with a book of candy paper like playing the piano with her mother in the classroom after school?
3.Is there an umbrella a uniform on the teacher's desk in the classroom?
4.The boy in blue would like to invite friends to his twelfth birthday party on 11th November.

hardly ever同義詞是什麼?
All roads l______to Rome.(填詞)

The bell rang.(按照你的意思,應該用過去式吧.)
Experience is built upon failure.
hardly ever同義詞:almost never/seldom/rarely
All roads lead to Rome.

(2)one,was,28,buildings,to,world,of,the,visit,most,the,Mr,he,years,old,today,went,Tai Mahal,the,beautiful,in,black,when(.)

1 Hockey is a popular ice game for both boys and girls all over Canada.

1.These are cars.(用buses改寫成選擇疑問句)
2.Thank you for helping me.(改為同義句)
3.Let him tell you something about his family.(改為否定句)

一.1.what's the weather like in summer?夏天的天氣怎麼樣?what's.like句型.2.what are you going to do after shool?放學之後你幹什麼?be doing句型.3.stop at a red light.紅燈停.祈使句.二.1.Are there any cars…


1、travel to school去學校
2、go to school by bus/ferry=take a bus/ferry to school乘公交車/輪渡去上學
3、walk to school =go to school on foot走路去上學
4、take the underground to the supermarket=go to the supermarket by underground乘地鐵去量販店
5、be far away from離哪裡有點遠
6、half an hour半小時
one and a half hours一個半小時
7、the nearest underground station最近的地鐵站
8、a housing estate一個住宅區
9、a police station一個警察局
9、a fire station一個消防站
10、a department store一個百貨商店
11、a swimming pool一個游泳池
12、an advertisement board一個看板
13、light rail捷運