The town’s poor seem to me often to live the most lives of any 這句話中的in dependent是不是應該寫到一塊?翻譯中也有最獨立不羈的. The town’s poor seem to me often to live the most in dependent lives of any. 這句話是這樣的

The town’s poor seem to me often to live the most lives of any 這句話中的in dependent是不是應該寫到一塊?翻譯中也有最獨立不羈的. The town’s poor seem to me often to live the most in dependent lives of any. 這句話是這樣的

從句意上來看是一起的,live the most independent lives of any過著所有人中最獨立不受干擾的生活

in spite of儘管可不可以加句子?狀元筆記上說可以…

例如:In spite of what he said,he went out.

despite和in spite of的區別是什麼啊,後面接的東西部一樣吧?是前者接句子麼後者

論語氣,despite比in spite of謹嚴,但意思沒有分別,都可譯做“雖然”或“不顧”,例如:“In spite of/Despite mounting public discontent,the government is determined to push the bill through.(雖然公眾不滿愈…

請教一個有關in spite of的句子
In spite of his final failure,we still take him as our example.
In spite of failing in the final,we still take him as our example.

In spite of being failed in the final,we still take him as our example.

不要這麽寫,好麽……你想知道為什麽麼……in spite of後面加名詞對不~你這樣是動名詞對不~這個意識很好

in spite of the fact that後面跟句子還是名詞

跟句子.in spite of引導的是讓步狀語從句,後面一定還要有一個主句來說明更想表達的意思.如:In spite of the fact that he failed the exam,he will never give up.

need=in need of

in need of +名詞“need”既可以作情態動詞,也可以作實義動詞,還可以作名詞,但是它們的用法不同.作為情態動詞的“need”的用法與其他情態動詞“can”,“may”,“must”的用法基本相同:在限定動詞片語中…

speaking of這個短語前面要加BE嗎?
隨便問一下I like best我最喜歡.可以把best放在like前面嗎?I best like我記得副詞的位置很隨意.可以放在句首.可以放在動詞之前.動詞之後.句子後置.

1、speaking of是介詞短語形式,用在句首或句中,用來引領一個狀語從句之類的句中,所以前面不加BE.如:Speaking of deep discussion,have you decided where you stand on the life-imitates-art-imitates-life debat…

in need of的用法

in need of sb或者doing sth

有need doing sth這個短語嗎?那need的短語還有什麼?

沒有,NEED一般是做情態動詞後面直接跟原型,如need do,也可以做實意動詞,後面跟不定式如need to be done

be composed of與consist of與be made up of三個片語都有由什麼組成的意思,具體區別,用法是什麼呢?

事實上區別不大,很多時候可以互換be composed of:由…組成例句和用法In fact,happiness may be composed of anything you could ever think of.當然,有一些人只要基本的生活需求得到滿足就可以立刻感到很幸福.The co…