an apple and a half以及one and a half apple和half an apple分別用is還是are?

an apple and a half以及one and a half apple和half an apple分別用is還是are?

Is an apple and a half,and的前面的名詞是用單數修飾
Are one and a half apple修飾的是一個半蘋果
is half an apple只修飾半個蘋果

one and a half apples/apple is/are one the table.

1.apples2.isone and a half +名詞的複數可以表示一個半名詞.例如:one and a half apples意思是:一個半蘋果,注意名詞必須要用複數.當“One and a half+複數名詞”做主語時,謂語動詞採用單數形式.例:One and a half…

one and a half hours和an hour and a half就是說超過一個小時候hour
one and a half hours和an hour and a half

one and a half hours和an hour and a half的意思一樣,都是“一個半小時” and a half hoursone表示的是“一個”,1的概念a half是“一半”,相當於0.5的概念one and a half一個再加半個,“一個半”,也就是…