Is or are used for an apple and a half, one and a half apple and half an apple respectively?

Is or are used for an apple and a half, one and a half apple and half an apple respectively?

Is an apple and a half, and is preceded by a singular
Are one and a half apple
Is half an apple

one and a half apples/apple is/are one the table.
Which of the two options do you choose? Why?

1. Apples2. Isone and a half + the plural of a noun can mean a half noun. For example: one and a half apples means a half apple. Pay attention to the plural of the noun. When "one and a half + plural noun" is the subject, the predicate verb is in the singular form

One and a half hours and an hour and a half
One and a half hours and an hour and a half
That is to say, when the hour is placed in the front for more than an hour, it will not add S. if it is placed in the back, it will have to add s

One and a half hours is the same as an hour and a half. One and a half hours means "one". The concept of one is "half", which is equivalent to the concept of one and a half of 0.5