Are they in the same class?用not改寫是什麼? 我寫的是Are they not in the same class?是錯的順便告訴我錯在哪裡

Are they in the same class?用not改寫是什麼? 我寫的是Are they not in the same class?是錯的順便告訴我錯在哪裡

Aren't they in the same class?Are they not是錯誤的not不能放在此處.

Are they in the same class?改為not句型
這是我們初一考試的一道題.我寫的是:Aren't they in the same class?但是很多人寫:They aren't in the same class.這道到底是說否定回答還是什麼.搞不懂.


class,are,the,they same in連詞成句

they are in the same class.