形容詞短語可以作後置定語嗎? Your son Mike is sitting in his bedroom doing his homework naked as the day he was born.(出自美劇《家庭戰爭》) 請問英語高手,這個naked as the day he was born,充當的是什麼成分,是種什麼用法?

形容詞短語可以作後置定語嗎? Your son Mike is sitting in his bedroom doing his homework naked as the day he was born.(出自美劇《家庭戰爭》) 請問英語高手,這個naked as the day he was born,充當的是什麼成分,是種什麼用法?

naked as the day he was born充當伴隨狀語,表示一種狀態,和前文的doing his homework相同