如果定語從句和分詞短語同時修飾一個名詞片語,那麼它們的語序有規律的用法,還是看具體語境隨機應變? 例句1)Last night I watched a documentary made by CCTV which shows the history of South Africa. 例句2)Last night I watched a documentary which shows the history of South Africa made by CCTV. 如上兩例,made by cctv和which引導的從句都是修飾documentary,哪個語序更好,或者另有其它?

如果定語從句和分詞短語同時修飾一個名詞片語,那麼它們的語序有規律的用法,還是看具體語境隨機應變? 例句1)Last night I watched a documentary made by CCTV which shows the history of South Africa. 例句2)Last night I watched a documentary which shows the history of South Africa made by CCTV. 如上兩例,made by cctv和which引導的從句都是修飾documentary,哪個語序更好,或者另有其它?

例句一語序更好.made by CCTV放在documentary的後面,做documentary的定語來說明這個檔的出處.

My father took many photos in Australia. They were liked by his friends
改:my father took many photos in Australia that were liked by his friends
in Australia一定要放在句中嗎?可以放在句末嗎

in Australia放在中間比較好,如果放在句末的話,意思容易被誤認為“被他澳大利亞的朋友所喜愛”了.
My father took many photos in Australia that were liked by his friends這個定語從句在這裡叫做叫分隔式定義從句


這個需要看句意:he saw a girl in black T-shirt which is made in U.S.這裡修飾的是N2he saw a girl in black T-shirt who is reading a book.這裡修飾的是N1嚴格意義上來說,定從修飾的應該是其前面的名詞.1.的…