that is my dress.改為複數形式

that is my dress.改為複數形式

those are our dresses

That is my game.(複數句)

Thst my game.

That is my sister.(改為複數形式)

Those are my sisters.

“pencil case”的複數形式

pencil caseS

It is pencil case.改為複數是什麼?

They are pencil cases

That's my sister(改為複數形式)

Those are our sisters.

that's my eraser改為複數句子是什麼

Those are my erasers

That is my knife.改複數句怎麼做?

Those are our knives.

That's a girl.改為複數形式

Those are girls.

That's a box變成複數形式

Those are boxes