______is the population of the city? a.what b.how c.how many d.how much 選哪個,為什麼,

______is the population of the city? a.what b.how c.how many d.how much 選哪個,為什麼,

答案是:a.what詢問“某地有多少人口”要用“What…?”或“How large…?”提問,不用how many或how much等詞語.例如:What's the population of Germany?(=How large is the population of Germany?)德國…

主謂一致The population of the city()large. One third of it()worker答案is are為什麼

One third of it是指三分之一的人,人是可數名詞,有複數,用are.

---------------is the population of the city.A.
---------------is the population of the city.
A.How many B.What C.How many people D.How much