The key lies in the fact that the untis of meaning這一句裏的lie in為什麼不能不用hide in The key lies in the fact that the untis of meaning這一句裏的lie in為什麼不能不用hides in? 這是去年大學英語四級完型填空,答案是lies,我選的是hides,我想知道為什麼用lies,不用hides,lies in在這句裏具體是什麼意思請問?

The key lies in the fact that the untis of meaning這一句裏的lie in為什麼不能不用hide in The key lies in the fact that the untis of meaning這一句裏的lie in為什麼不能不用hides in? 這是去年大學英語四級完型填空,答案是lies,我選的是hides,我想知道為什麼用lies,不用hides,lies in在這句裏具體是什麼意思請問?

沒聽說過有hide in這個片語,首先
然後,lie in是在於的意思

the difficulty lies _____we have no money.A in that B in the fact that
選A是that引導的賓語從句做介詞in的賓語,雖然that一般不引導介詞的賓語從句但是in but except卻可以接that引導的賓語從句,貌似A可以
選B是that引導的同位語從句,the fact是先行詞,that從句說明fact的內容

答案是in the fact that
that作介詞的賓語只用於except that(除了),in that(因為)這兩種結構,而本題in是lie in的搭配,that不能用於lie in後.
答案B中,the fact作lie in的賓語,that是the fact的同位語.

4.The difficulty lies in _____we have no money.A.that B.which C.the fact D.the fact that

which是用在定語從句中,這句話中lies in後面沒有賓語,所以不能用B直接做賓語.應該選D