The children like eating snacks and fruit 否定句

The children like eating snacks and fruit 否定句

The children don't like eating snacks or fruit.

閱讀Mr and Mrs Brown come from Sydney.
Mr and Mrs Brown come fromSydney.Theyhave two children,Jim andSue.Theyare all in Xiamennow.MrBrown likes swimming andreading.AndMrs Brown likes swimming and reading,too.Theyoften go swimming in theafternoon.Jimand Sue like playinggames.Theyoften play games with Chinese boys andgirls.Jim’s uncle works on a farm nearSydney.Helikesswimming,too.Hewants to work inXiamen.Buthe can’t speakChinese.Sohe is still there and goes to Chinese classes every week.
()1、Sue’s uncle is a _____.
A、worker B、driver C、farmer D、teacher

因為文中說Jim's uncle works on a farm,在農場裡工作的可以判斷是農民.而Jim和Sue是兄妹或姐弟關係,所以Jim的叔叔也就是Sue的叔叔,故選答案C

Mrs.Greenhas two c______.They are tom and Kate.(首字母已給,完形填空)
