I have five pens one is green another is gray, A the other B other C the others D others are yellow.

I have five pens one is green another is gray, A the other B other C the others D others are yellow.


I have six pencils;one is blue,another is red and others are A B C D green.
c是錯的,答案是the others,為什麼?

①主要掌握the other與the others的區別哦~the other用於兩者中的另一個.如:Here are twopens.Oneis mine,the other isyours.theothers=the other+複數名詞.表示兩者中剩下的所有.如:Some students are from…

I have five colourpencils.Oneis red,another is blue and ___are green.為什麼不能用other,它也可以作代詞,the others和other有什麼區別

other是在沒有設定範圍時使用的,如other people指的是其他人,並沒有限定範圍.而在本題中,已經限定了範圍是“five colour pencils”,就必須用the others總結一下,當上文提到了限定的範圍時,就用the others;如果沒有…