I have five pens one is green another is gray, A the other B other C the others D others are yellow.

I have five pens one is green another is gray, A the other B other C the others D others are yellow.

C (all other pencils)

I have six pencils; one is blue,another is red and others are A B C D green.
C is wrong. The answer is the others. Why?

① Master the difference between the other and the others ~ the other is used for the other of the two. For example: here are two pens.One is mine ,the other is yours.the Others = the other + plural noun. It means the rest of them

I have five colour pencils.One is red,another is blue and ___ What's the difference between the other and the other

Other is used when no scope is set. For example, other people refers to other people and does not limit the scope