There be句型用法如何用~

There be句型用法如何用~

There be + sth +地點狀語
There is a flower in the bottle.瓶裏有一朵花. There is some money in the purse.錢包裏有些錢.
There be + no + n. + in doing sth
1.其中名詞為錶“利弊”、“用途”的抽象名詞,如:There is no good in going.去沒有什麼好處. There is no harm in doing that.那樣做並無害處. 2.其中名詞為錶“價值”、“意義”的抽象名詞,如:There is no sense in waiting here.在這裡等候下去毫無意義. There is no disgrace in failing once.一旦失敗也不丟臉.(注:此結構中的介詞可以省略,如:There is no use asking her—she doesn’t know anything.)
There is + no + doing something
1.其中的動詞(do)多為“轉述”或“認知”等意義的動詞,如:tell,say,know等,其後一般跟疑問句,如when,what等. There is no saying what may happen.很難說會發生什麼事. There is no telling when he will return.說不清他何時回來. There is no knowing when we shall meet again.不知何時我們能再相會. 2.其他動詞,其意義相當靈活. There is no mistaking what ought to be done.應該做什麼是清楚的. There is no denying the fact.事實無可否認. There is no holding back the wheel of history.歷史的車輪不能倒轉. There is no getting along with him.他很難相處. Once she starts talking,there is no stopping her.一旦她打開話匣子,就說個沒完. There is no joking with him.和他不能開玩笑.
There is + no + Action Noun
1.此結構的含義相當於It’s impossible /unnecessary to do something. There is no hurry about it.沒有必要這麼急匆匆的. There is no question of his honesty.他的誠實是勿庸置疑的. 2.有時,在此結構中的Action Noun被動名詞形式所取代,其意義不變.: There is no escape from theevident. There is no escaping the fact.兩句都表示:無法逃(躲)避……但是,有時也存在意義上的區別,A.There is no doubt at all about it. B.There is no doubting her virtue.句A為“存在句”,意即:對於此事不存在任何的疑問.句B則是不錶“存在”的一種慣用結構,意即:她的貞操勿庸置疑. 3.以上三種結構除用於陳述句外,尚可見於疑問句.如:Is there any use in discussing the matter further?這種事再討論下去有何益處?Is there any hurry about it?這事需要匆忙嗎?此慣用結構中的be有時可與情態動詞連用,其語氣更趨委婉.如:There could be no mistaking where he had come from.他從哪裡來是相當清楚的.此結構中的no也不是一成不變的,它可被其他形式所取代.如:There isn’t any getting away from it.要從它那裡逃脫是不可能的. There was never believing half of what he said.他的話連一半也不信. There’s never any predicting what they will do next.無法料及他們下一步將會幹什麼
There be結構中的be動詞的確定
1. there be結構中的謂語動詞be在人稱和數上應與其後的主語保持一致.主語是不可數名詞或單數可數名詞時用is,是複數時用are.如:There is a flower in the bottle.瓶裏有一朵花. There is some money in the purse.錢包裏有些錢. 2.若句子中有幾個並列的主語時,be的形式要與離其最近的一個主語在人稱和數上保持一致.如:There is a boy,a girl and two women in the house.房子裏有一個男孩,一個女孩和兩個婦女. There are ten students and a teacher in the office.辦公室裏有十個學生和一個教師. 3.另外,在陳述句中為了強調地點,也可將介詞短語提置句首.如:In the tree there are five birds.樹上有五只鳥.There be結構的句型轉換
there be的否定式通常在be後加not構成(在口語中be時常與not縮寫在一起).如果句中有some,一般要變成any.如:There are some children in the picture.→There aren't any children in the picture.
把be提到there前,首字母大寫,句末用問號即可.其肯定答語是Yes,there is / are;否定答語為No,there isn't / aren't.如:—Are there two cats in the tree?—Yes,there are.(No,there aren't.)
①提問句子的主語(包括主語前的修飾語)時,句型一律用“what is +地點介詞短語?”(無論主語是單數還是複數都用is).如:There are some birds in the tree.→What's in the tree?②就there be後面的地點狀語進行提問時,句型用“where is / are +主語?”如:There is a car in the street.→Where is the car?③提問可數名詞(主語)前的數量時,用how many,句型結構為“how many +複數名詞+ are there +其它?”(主語無論是單數還是複數,be通常要用are).
當there be後面的名詞時單數或不可數名詞時be用is,當後面是可數名詞複數時,be用are.“there be…”句型是存在句的常用基本結構,there在句中處於主語位置,起形式主語的作用,真正的主語是隨後的名詞片語.其謂語動詞通常是be的各種時、體等形式.如:There is ice on the lake.湖上有冰. There were three students in the classroom then.當時教室有三個學生. There has never been anybody like you.從來還沒有像你這樣的人. There will be snow on highground.在高地上將會有雪.除此之外,there be句型還有一些特殊的結構:1. there +情態助動詞+ be表示“預見”、“可能”、“必然”或“過去習慣存在”等.如:There might be some desserts if you wait a bit.如果你等一會兒,可能會有甜點. There ought to have beensomeone on duty all the time.本來應該有人全天值班. There shall be no more wars.再也不會打仗了.也可以用there +某些半助動詞+ be(很少使用完成體形式),如:be going to,be certain to,be sure to,be likely to,have to be等. There is going to be a rain.要下雨了. There's likely to bean interview.可能會有一場面試. There has to be a mistake.必定有錯. 2.在正式文體中,某些表示存在、發生、出現、坐落等意義的不及物動詞也可以與there連用,如:appear,seem,come,remain,exist,live,stand,lie,arise,enter,follow,occur,rise,grow,happen,belong,arrive,fly,flash,sail,pass,run,spring up,emerge等.如:There exist many ancient temples in the country.那個國家有很多古老的寺廟. There lies a small village in the mountain.山裡有個小村子. Once upon a time,there lived an old queer man in the city.從前,城裡住著個怪老頭. There remains nothing more to be done.沒有什麼別的事可做了. There followed the first world war.接著就是第一次世界大戰. There flashed through his mind the image of a heroic fighter.他的頭腦中閃過英雄戰士的形象. There sprang up a wildgale.突然刮起一陣狂風.偶爾也能見到there後接及物動詞:There struck me a sudden idea.突然我有了一個主意.如果句中的地點狀語前移就可以省略there.如:Behind the house(there)is a small river. 3. there +不定式to be或there + being形式,稱為非限定存在句,可以作主語、賓語、介詞補足成分. 1)作主語There being a railway station in the town is a great advantage.鎮上有個火車站,真方便呀!“there to be+NP”作主語時,通常用for作引導詞:For there to be a mistake in a computer's arithmetic is impossible.電腦計算錯誤是不可能的. It was seldom for there to be no late comers.新來者很少沒有遲到的. 2)作賓語The committee anticipated there being less debate in the second discussion.委員會期望在第二次討論中爭議能少一些. We expect there to be no objections.我們希望不會有人反對. I'd prefer there to be more cooperation.我希望有更多的合作. 3)作介詞補足成分介詞是for,用there to be形式;介詞不是for,則用there being形式. What's the chance ofthere being an election this year?今年進行選舉的可能性有多大?We have no objection to there being a meeting here.在這兒舉行會議,我們不反對. Jill is waiting for there to be a big party.吉爾等著舉行一次盛大的晚會.此外,there + being形式還可以用作狀語分句,形成獨立主格結構:There being no further discussion,the chairman stood up and left the meeting-room.沒有可討論的了,主席站了起來,離開了會議室. There having been no rain,the stream was dry.一直沒有下雨,小溪都乾涸了.
“there be…”句型的難點在於它的非限定形式,怎樣分辨使用there to be和there being呢?兩個要點是關鍵:它們在句子中的成分及與句子中其他成分的搭配關係.如非限定形式的第2小點中的例句:anticipate與there being搭配,而expect和prefer與there to be配伍.

There [ ] some news for you B.are D.have


是there are some good news,還是there is some good news,為什麼

there is因為news是不可數名詞