How to use the sentence pattern "there be"~

How to use the sentence pattern "there be"~

There be + sth + place adverbial
There is a flower in the bottle
There be + no + n. + in doing sth
There is no harm in doing that, There is no sense in waiting here. There is no shame in failing once
There is + no + doing something
1. Most of the verbs (do) are verbs with the meaning of "reporting" or "cognition", such as tell, say, know, etc., followed by interrogative sentences, such as when, There is no telling when he will return. There is no knowing when we shall meet again, There is no mistaking what out to be done. There is no denying the fact. There is no holding back the wheel of history, There is no joking with him
There is + no + Action Noun
There is no need to rush about it. There is no question of his honesty. There is no doubt that he is honest. 2. Sometimes, the passive form of action noun in this structure is replaced, and its meaning remains unchanged There is no escaping the fact A. there is no double at all about it. B. there is no double her virtual. A. there is no double at all about it, Is there any use in discussing the matter further? Is there any hurry about it, There could be no mistaking where he had come from, There is no way to escape from it. There is never believing half of what he said. There's never any predicting what they will do next
The determination of be verb in there be structure
There is a flower in the bottle. There is some money in the purse, There is a boy, a girl and two women in the house. There are ten students and a teacher in the office, In the tree there are five birds in the tree
Negative sentence
There are some children in the picture. → there are't any children in the picture
General questions and their answers
The affirmative answer is yes, there is / are; the negative answer is no, there is't / are't
Special questions and their answers
(1) when asking the subject of a sentence (including the modifier before the subject), the sentence pattern should be "what is + prepositional phrase of place?" (whether the subject is singular or plural, use is), "Where is / are + subject?" for example: there is a car in the street. → where is the car? ③ when asking about the number before the countable noun (subject), use how many, and the sentence structure is "how many + plural noun + are there + others?" (whether the subject is singular or plural, be usually uses are)
be careful
"There be..." is a common basic structure of existential sentence. There is a subject position in the sentence and plays the role of formal subject, There is ice on the lake. There were three students in the classroom then. There was never anyone like you. There will be snow on high There may be some desserts if you wait a bit. If you wait for a while, there may be some desserts There shall be no more wars. There is going to be a rain. There's like to be There has to be a mistake. 2. In the formal style, some intransitive verbs can also be used with there, such as: appear, see, come, remain, exist, live, stand, lie, arise, enter, follow, occur, rise, grow, happy, bell, arrive, fly, flash, There are many ancient temples in the country. There are a small village in the mountain, There remains nothing more to be done. There followed the first World War. Then there flashed through his mind the image of a hero fighter Suddenly I have an idea. If the adverbial of place in the sentence moves forward, we can omit there. For example: behind the house (there) is a small river. 3. There + infinitive to be or there + being form is called non finite existential sentence, There is a railway station in the town is a great advance, For there to be a mistake in a computer's arithmetic is impossible. It is impossible for there to be no late comers We hope there will be no objection. I'd prefer there to be more cooperation We have no object to there being a meeting here. Jill is waiting for there to be a big party, There is no further discussion, the chairman stock up and left the meeting room
Sentence pattern discrimination
The difficulty of the sentence pattern "there be..." lies in its unrestricted form. How to distinguish the use of "there to be" and "there being"? Two key points are: their components in the sentence and their collocation with other components in the sentence. For example, in the second small point of the unrestricted form, antitipate is collocated with "there being", while expect and prefer are compatible with "there to be"

There [ ] some news for you B.are D.have

News singular uncountable

Is there are some good news or there is some good news

There is because news is an uncountable noun