He is in the room.(改為複數)The eraser is under the desk.對“under the desk”提問

He is in the room.(改為複數)The eraser is under the desk.對“under the desk”提問

They are in the room;
Where is the eraser?

There's a book under the desk.還有There’s a tow balls behind the desk.

There's a book under the desk.在桌子下麵有一本書.There's a tow balls behind the desk.這句話中的tow balls?有這種東西嗎?有沒有寫錯哦?

there is a book on the desk對劃線部分提問

對a book提問:What's on the desk?主桌上有什麼?
對a提問:How many books are there on the desk?