Who is the girl under the tree?的回答應是Cousin Lucy還是Lucy Cousin

Who is the girl under the tree?的回答應是Cousin Lucy還是Lucy Cousin

Cousin Lucy

1.—Do you know____girl who is standing under_____tree?—Of course!She is Lucy,my classmate.
A .the;the B.a;a C.a;/D./;the
這裡站在樹下的女孩我知道是特指,但是under the tree這個是固定搭配還是什麼?可以說under a tree嗎?

可以說under a tree.這裡的樹也是特指,因為那個女孩站的地方的那棵樹是確定的.under a tree,l例句,They unearthed a box buried under a tree.他們挖出了一個埋在樹下的盒子.Do not stand under a tree during a thu…

The girl under the tree is my sister對under the tree提問

Which girl is your sister?