

b /b/ book big bag box
c /k/ cat cake cup clock car
/s/ face nice pencil
d /d/ desk doll dog dad
f /f/ fine friend fly foot fan
g /ɡ/ goose glass egg girl
ge /dʒ;/ age orange village message
h /h/ hat he house hand
j /dʒ;/ jeep jacket juice Jim
k /k/ kite cake black thank
l /l/ leg left ruler flag lamp
/l/ apple bowl tell old
m /m/ am map my mouth milk
n /n/ no know new hand ten
/ŋ;/ thank think thing uncle swing
p /p/ map jeep pig pen apple
q(u)/k(w)/ quiet quilt queen
r /r/ red radio brother ride
s /s/ sit miss this smile books
/z/ nose those rose rulers
t /t/ it sit not that table
v /v / five vest very seven
w /w/ we window watch want
x /ks / box six fox taxi
/ɡz / exam example exact
y / j / yes yellow
z / z / zoo zebra
ch /t∫/ child chair catch,watch,chain,chicken peach
/ k / school charismas stomach chemistry
ts /ts/ jackets kites
ds /dz/ birds friends
tr /tr/ tree train truck
dr /dr/ dress driver
th /θ/ thank mouth
/ð;/ this that with
sh /∫/ shirt wash short English,fish,she social expression
sion / ʒ;/ decision vision
sure / ʒ;/ measure pleasure
ge / ʒ;/ rouge garage


g / d3i:/ great big單詞中發音和本音毫無關係