I looked out and found the ground ____with white snow A.covered B.is covered 為什麼選A. 而不是B被動語態呢?

I looked out and found the ground ____with white snow A.covered B.is covered 為什麼選A. 而不是B被動語態呢?

B如果是was也可,可以認為I looked out and found(that)the ground was covered with white snow.

96. When I looked out of the window,I saw people working hard to remove the snow.(劃線部分提問) When I looked out of the window是劃線的

when did u see people working hard to remove the snow

please ___who broke the window?A.find B.find out C.look for

選B.find out查明真相,仔細調查,強調結果
C.look for尋找強調動作

Nothing was found but___broken.A.the room window B.the room's window C.the room of the window .A.the room window B.the room's window C.the room of thewindowD.thewindow of room 為什麼

首先B是不對的,所有格是對於有生命的來說的,而room沒有生命所以不能用所有格.C肯定錯的.D也不對,應該是the window of the room.A這種用法是可以的,用名詞修飾名詞,比如baby face(娃娃臉),就可以用baby修飾face,雖…

Find some people who enjoy visiting the same places.的同義句是什麼? Find some people who ___ _____ ______visiting the same places.空裡面填什麼?

are interested in
are fond of

find some people who enjoy visiting the same places的同義句是什麼

I find(that)some people enjoy visiting the same places.

寫同義句Find some people who enjoy visiting the same places. Find some people who ____ ____ _____visiting the same places.

準確答案是:are fond ofenjoy doing sth = be fond of doing sth喜歡做某事have fun doing sth的意思是“做某事高興/愉快”= have a good time doing sth = enjoy oneself doing sth≠enjoy doing sth,用在此題…

Today it is quite natural to find people shake hands in some situations. People all over the world shake hands for many different 46 . We shake hands when we meet new people 47 during special festivals. Players often shake hands before or after 48 . Business people shake hands when they make a deal. Why do people shake hands 49 shaking feet?This is because of the facts that a long time ago most people 50 knives or guns. If some of them decided that they did not want to 51,they would show their empty hands. 52 people shook hands so that they could not 53 knives in their sleeves(袖子). Later on,shaking hands became a symbol of 54 . Now we don’t have to 55 people with guns or knives. However,we will shake hands all the time!The reason is simple—it is still a way to show friendship. 46. A. ideas B. reasons C. thoughts D. excuse 47. A. or B. as C. but D. so 48. A. games B. speeches C. exercises D. programs 49. A. such as B. as well as C. instead of D. together with 50. A. lost B. bought C. caught D. carried 51. A. cheat B. fight C. drop D. speak 52. A. Perhaps B. Happily C. Carefully D. Luckily 53. A. hide B. lift C. pull D. push 54. A. success B. victory C. pride D. peace 55. A. talk about B. worry about C. know about D. learn about


You can find some people in the room? 同義句轉換

You can find there are some people in the room.賓語從句.

My mother likes swimming改為一般疑問句怎麼改?He has some books變為否定句 She eats hamburgers ever day變為一般疑問句

Does your mother like swimming?
He doesnt have any books
Does she eat hamburgers every day?