初二英語單選題:They found flying kites in the park() A.being pleasant B.be pleasant C.pleasant D.feeling pleasant 】

初二英語單選題:They found flying kites in the park() A.being pleasant B.be pleasant C.pleasant D.feeling pleasant 】


They are study English hard和They study English hard哪句對? They are study English hard和They study English hard哪句對? 為什麼錯.為什麼對. 那They are studying English hard和They study English hard有什麼區別。

第二個對,第一個are和study不能搭配,至少用are studying
they are study..表示進行或近階段
they study…就是指一般情况

They found the lecture hard().A.to understand B.to be understand C.being… They found the lecture hard().A.to understand B.to be understand C.being understood D.understood

They found···後面的不是完整的句子“the lecture hard().”應該是充當句子的狀語之類的

They found the lecture hard to understand.為什麼不是“to be understand”謝謝解答!


英語語法Many people find themselves trapped in a world full of temptations. Many people find themselves trapped in a world full of temptations. 這一句中的a world full of temptations.是否使用了名詞修飾名詞的語法,還是必須修改為a world that is full of temptations.

full of temptations用來作為world的定語,充滿誘惑的世界.沒有必要用that來引導從句,當然兩種方式都是正確的.

英語語法:Let alone find comfort in the places she knows 我知道let alone是“更不用說” 那麼find comfort in呢?> 但是這句句子有點怪,請為我翻譯一下,並且解釋一下語法:


我這裡有一句話是用in還是of還是什麼? Nobody in Canada has a discrriminatory mind of skin colors. or Nobody in Canada has a discrriminatory mind in skin colors. or Nobody in Canada has a discrriminatory mind about skin colors. 哪個對? by the way,我這裡最後一個單詞是不是要加s?可否改成the skin colors或skin colors?

Nobody in Canada has a discriminatory mind about skin colors.

The thief was found in possesson of a large quantity of stolen property.請問這句話語法該怎麼分析

這句話是一個SVOC結構,即主語+謂語+賓語+賓補,in possession of是賓補,直譯為”那個盜賊被發現有很多偷來的東西”.

給我看看英語語法對嗎?為什麼there is a desk in the kitchen of near the door.

不是很正確你的意思是在廚房的門旁邊有一個桌子吧你可以這樣說there is a desk near the door in the kitchen你說是嗎還有說一句你把of的用法理解錯了A of B中of表示的是B的Ae.g.They are fine sons and da…

There are some big trees_______the house橫線填in the front of還是in front of

in front of
in the front of是用在某一空間內的,比如在公交車裏,司機在乘客前面.