Mathematical trigonometric formula In the triangle ABC, ab = AC, SINB = 5 / 13, find the value of sina, cosa and Tana?

Mathematical trigonometric formula In the triangle ABC, ab = AC, SINB = 5 / 13, find the value of sina, cosa and Tana?

AB = AC, SINB = 5 / 13, so B is an acute angle, CoSb = √ (1-sin & # 178; b) = 12 / 13, Sina = sin (π - 2b) = sin2b = 2sinbcosb = 120 / 169cosa = cos (π - 2b) = - cos2b = - (2cos & # 178; B-1) = - 119 / 169tana = Sina / cosa = - 120 / 119