There are 3500 bicycles and mopeds parked in a large bicycle parking spot on a Sunday. The storage fee for mopeds is 2 yuan for each bicycle and 1.2 yuan for each bicycle (1) If the number of bicycle parking is x, and the total income of storage fee is y yuan, try to write the function of y about X; (2) If it is estimated that the number of mopeds is not less than 25% but not more than 40% of the 3500 vehicles coming to park, try to find out the range of the total amount of daily income storage fees of the parking station Need specific process

There are 3500 bicycles and mopeds parked in a large bicycle parking spot on a Sunday. The storage fee for mopeds is 2 yuan for each bicycle and 1.2 yuan for each bicycle (1) If the number of bicycle parking is x, and the total income of storage fee is y yuan, try to write the function of y about X; (2) If it is estimated that the number of mopeds is not less than 25% but not more than 40% of the 3500 vehicles coming to park, try to find out the range of the total amount of daily income storage fees of the parking station Need specific process

1. Because the number of bicycle parking is x, so the number of moped parking is (3500-x), and because the storage fee of moped is 2 yuan for each bicycle and 1.2 yuan for each bicycle, the storage fee of bicycle is 1.2x yuan, and the storage fee of moped is (3500-x) × 2 yuan, so y = 1.2x + (3500-x) × 2 = - 0.8x + 7000 (0 ≤ x ≤