Some problems about potential energy 1. What is the relationship between elastic potential energy and elasticity? Is it the same? I think there is something wrong with the topic of gravitational potential energy in the book The following objects have gravitational potential energy () A. Spring tightened in mechanical watch B. Ships on the sea C. Stones still on the top of the mountain D. A car running on level ground The answer is C. explain. If you think the question is wrong or choose another answer, explain why If you think the answer is correct, look at the following questions: For example, on the Qinghai Tibet Plateau and the North China Plain, there are the same flat sand mounds, and there are also the same stones falling from the sand mounds 5 meters away, and each of them smashes a sand pit. Are the depths of the two sand pits different? (regardless of wind and other conditions)

Some problems about potential energy 1. What is the relationship between elastic potential energy and elasticity? Is it the same? I think there is something wrong with the topic of gravitational potential energy in the book The following objects have gravitational potential energy () A. Spring tightened in mechanical watch B. Ships on the sea C. Stones still on the top of the mountain D. A car running on level ground The answer is C. explain. If you think the question is wrong or choose another answer, explain why If you think the answer is correct, look at the following questions: For example, on the Qinghai Tibet Plateau and the North China Plain, there are the same flat sand mounds, and there are also the same stones falling from the sand mounds 5 meters away, and each of them smashes a sand pit. Are the depths of the two sand pits different? (regardless of wind and other conditions)

1. E = 0.5kx ^ 2 = 0.5fx (k is the spring stiffness coefficient, X is the spring shape variable) 2. The determination of the gravity potential energy needs to select the reference system. Similar speed, different reference system, the value of the gravity potential energy will be different