Put 8N water in a container with a weight of 2n and a bottom area of 0.01m2, and the depth of water in the container is 0.05m. Put it on the horizontal table, as shown in the figure (g = 1On / kg)

Put 8N water in a container with a weight of 2n and a bottom area of 0.01m2, and the depth of water in the container is 0.05m. Put it on the horizontal table, as shown in the figure (g = 1On / kg)

(1) The pressure of water on the bottom of the vessel is: P = ρ water GH = 1.0 × 103kg / m3 × 10N / kg × 0.05m = 500pa. & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; the pressure of water on the bottom of the vessel is: f water = P water s = 500pa × 0.01m2 = 5N