Physical mechanics of motion A car with a mass of 5 tons and a trailer with a weight of 1 ton is driving at a constant speed of 10 meters per second on a straight road. Suddenly, the trailer is uncoupled, but the traction of the car remains unchanged. It is only found after driving for 10 seconds. The answer is 110 meters

Physical mechanics of motion A car with a mass of 5 tons and a trailer with a weight of 1 ton is driving at a constant speed of 10 meters per second on a straight road. Suddenly, the trailer is uncoupled, but the traction of the car remains unchanged. It is only found after driving for 10 seconds. The answer is 110 meters

Before uncoupling, the traction force F = 6F (the resistance drawn by the trailer);
After decoupling, the resistance becomes 5F
F-5f = f, will produce acceleration a
Driving distance after 10 seconds s = VT + 0.5at ^ 2 = 100 * 10 + 0.5 (F / 5) * 100
The title is short of condition, so we can't get the result
If the friction coefficient is 0.1, 110m can be obtained