What's the possibility of a 6-digit password composed of 10 digits 0-9? How many combinations can you choose from the ten numbers 0-9 to make up different six digits If the first digit is not zero, how many combinations are there? Can you write these results out?

What's the possibility of a 6-digit password composed of 10 digits 0-9? How many combinations can you choose from the ten numbers 0-9 to make up different six digits If the first digit is not zero, how many combinations are there? Can you write these results out?

P6 (superscript) 10 (subscript) - P5 (superscript) 9 (subscript) = 10! / 4! - 9! / 4! = 10 * 9 * 8 * 7 * 6 * 5-9 * 8 * 7 * 6 * 5 = 136080
So there are 136080 combinations