In the following formula, each Chinese character represents a number, the same Chinese character represents the same number, and different Chinese characters represent different numbers. When each Chinese character represents what number, the following formula holds? 1. Soldiers, artillery and horses +Artillery truck pawn ——————— Chariot pawn, horseman pawn We love science × 5 —————————— We love numbers Is it mathematics or not We love mathematics × 5 —————————— We love numbers

In the following formula, each Chinese character represents a number, the same Chinese character represents the same number, and different Chinese characters represent different numbers. When each Chinese character represents what number, the following formula holds? 1. Soldiers, artillery and horses +Artillery truck pawn ——————— Chariot pawn, horseman pawn We love science × 5 —————————— We love numbers Is it mathematics or not We love mathematics × 5 —————————— We love numbers

1. Soldiers = 5 guns = 2 horses = 4 cars = 1 pawn = 0
5240 + 5210 = 10450
2. I = 1, we = 4, heat = 2, love = 8, number = 5, study = 7
142857 × 5 =714285