The story of curved moon, stars and round moon

The story of curved moon, stars and round moon

The round moon knows the curved moon
The curved moon knows the round moon
But they never met
The round moon said to the stars: is there really a curved moon? Can the moon only have a little bit?
The stars say yes!
Curved moon said to the stars: is there really a round moon? Can the moon grow so big?
The stars say yes!
The star said to the curved moon: if only you two could come out together!
That way, I can play on you swing, can also play ball rolling!
The star said to the round moon: if only you two could come out together!
That way, I can play ball rolling with you and swing with you!
This day is not on the calendar
The round moon meets the curved one
Round moon and curved moon said almost at the same time: I seem to have seen you!
They're like looking in a mirror
Although in the mirror oneself is another appearance
They shook hands carefully and boldly
They whisper
What did they say
We can only guess
When the round moon meets the curved moon
What do they say?
It's a day not on the calendar
Even the stars don't know