Using C + + to calculate the approximate value of definite integral function requirements: 1) the left and right end points of the input interval; 2) using rectangular method and parabolic method to calculate the definite product of user-defined function Using C + + to find the approximate value of F (x) = x * x - 2 * x - 1 by rectangle method and parabola method, and using C + + to find the approximate value of definite integral

Using C + + to calculate the approximate value of definite integral function requirements: 1) the left and right end points of the input interval; 2) using rectangular method and parabolic method to calculate the definite product of user-defined function Using C + + to find the approximate value of F (x) = x * x - 2 * x - 1 by rectangle method and parabola method, and using C + + to find the approximate value of definite integral

Just a few days ago, I helped another friend write # include using namespace STD; class matjf {public: x05matjf(); - x05int choice(); - X05 / / friend double funtion1 (double x); - x05double def_ integral(double (*p)( double x ));\x05doubl...