According to the national standard code of Chinese characters GB2312-80, what is the total amount of all kinds of symbols and first and second level Chinese characters?

According to the national standard code of Chinese characters GB2312-80, what is the total amount of all kinds of symbols and first and second level Chinese characters?

Chinese Chinese characters encoding GB 2312 or GB 2312-80 is the Chinese national character set, which is called "Chinese character set and basic set of information exchange". It is also known as GB0. It was issued by the General Administration of China's national standards. In May 1, 1981,.GB2312 code was adopted in mainland China. In Singapore and other places, the code was used. Almost all Chinese systems and international software in mainland China support GB 2312..
There are 6763 Chinese characters in GB 2312, including 3755 first-class Chinese characters and 3008 second-class Chinese characters, and 682 characters including Latin alphabet, Greek alphabet, Japanese Hiragana and katakana alphabet, Russian Cyrillic alphabet
Chinese characters Chinese characters are basically met by the emergence of GB 2312, and the Chinese characters it has collected has covered 99.75% of the Chinese mainland's usage.
GB 2312 can't deal with the rarely used characters in name and ancient Chinese, which leads to the appearance of GBK and GB 18030 character set