Story of the origin of Chinese characters, about 50 words Add 30 points

Story of the origin of Chinese characters, about 50 words Add 30 points

There are many choices, but I think the last one is more common, that is, Chinese characters are evolved from natural form (picture)
There are many versions of the origin of Chinese characters
From the eight trigrams theory, Xu Shen's preface to Shuowen Jiezi in the Eastern Han Dynasty said: "in ancient times, the king of Baoxi was also in the world. When he looked up, he could observe the image of heaven. When he looked down, he could observe the law of the earth. When he looked at the appropriateness of the literature of birds and animals, he could get close to the body. So he began to write the eight trigrams in the book of changes, in order to hang the image of the constitution."
Hetu Luoshu said that this is a typical representative of the word God
According to the theory of knot rope, ShuoWenJieZi: "in ancient times, the rule was made by knot rope, and later sages changed it by deed."
According to the theory of carved symbols, the ancients evolved from connecting ropes to recording events, and then systematized them into Chinese characters. According to the theory of Cangjie's creation of characters, ShuoWenJieZi: "Cangjie, the historian of the Yellow Emperor, saw the traces of birds and animals' hoofs, and knew that the reason of division could be different. He first created a written contract, which came from the category pictograph and the reason of division
At present, there is a common saying in Chinese historiography circles that Chinese characters originated from Yin and Shang Dynasties. In fact, Oracle Bone Inscriptions in Yin and Shang Dynasties are very mature. Before that, there should be a process from occurrence, development to maturity. Therefore, some people advocate that it should be pushed to the end of Xia Dynasty, while others advocate that it should be pushed to the end of Xia Dynasty
In his book the dialectical development of ancient Chinese characters, tui Guo Moruo pointed out: "when did Chinese characters originate? I think this can be measured by the date of Banpo village site in Xi'an." "the date of Banpo site is about 6000 years ago." "Banpo site is a typical example of Yangshao culture in the Neolithic age." Banpo painted pottery often has some simple inscriptions similar to characters, It is quite different from the patterns on the utensils. "" although the meaning of the carving has not been clarified yet, it is undoubtedly a sign with the nature of writing. "" it can be said that it is the origin of Chinese writing, or the relic of Chinese primitive writing. "According to this, Chinese civilization should be counted as nearly 6000 years, When? When did the oldest characters come into being? What meaning do they represent? There are still a hundred schools of thought. It seems that a large number of materials are still needed to prove it. At present, the earliest recognized characters in the world are cuneiform characters that appeared in the ancient Middle East, 5000-6000 years ago. However, some symbols carved on tortoise shells found in Jiahu, Henan, are 8000 years ago