The legend of the origin of Chinese characters (50 characters) In addition to Cangjie's creation of characters I want 50 words or less

The legend of the origin of Chinese characters (50 characters) In addition to Cangjie's creation of characters I want 50 words or less

Among the four major systems of ancient Chinese characters in the world, only the ancient Chinese character system represented by the oracle bone inscriptions in Yin Ruins, which has evolved for thousands of years, has written a profound history of Chinese civilization. How many Chinese characters are there from the ancient oracle bone inscriptions to today's Chinese characters?
Wang Yunzhi, a doctoral supervisor of Zhengzhou University, who has been devoted to the study of ancient Chinese characters in recent years, said that their latest research results show that there are more than 4100 prefixes of Shang Dynasty characters, and more than 1250 characters that can be connected with today's characters and are still alive
China has always attached great importance to the compilation and publication of Chinese character books. The earliest Chinese character book is Shuowen Jiezi compiled by Xu Shen in the Eastern Han Dynasty, which contains 9353 Chinese characters. The appearance of Shuowen Jiezi makes the writing of Chinese characters have unified standards and norms. Therefore, Xu Shen is respected as the "sage of Chinese characters" by scholars of all ages
During the northern and Southern Dynasties, the Yupian compiled by Gu Ye Wang of Nanliang Dynasty received 16917 characters. The book was revised in Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty, and the number of characters increased to 22726. Guangyun compiled by Ding Du of Song Dynasty received 53525 characters, which is the most collected Dictionary of Chinese characters in ancient times. Kangxi dictionary compiled by Zhang Yushu of Qing Dynasty received 47035 characters. After the revolution of 1911, Ouyang Pucun compiled the Great Dictionary of China, Income of Chinese characters reached more than 48000
In recent years, the great Chinese dictionary, which contains more than 56000 Chinese characters, is the largest Dictionary of Chinese characters so far, and can be called the "world's best" of today's Chinese dictionary. Its compilation has been listed as the national key scientific research project of cultural construction and the national key scientific research project of the sixth five year plan of philosophy and social sciences. It has gathered the efforts of more than 300 experts and scholars for more than 10 years
According to reports, at present, the population of Chinese character cultural circles at home and abroad is as high as 1.5 billion, and more than 2100 universities in 85 countries have opened Chinese courses. Countless overseas primary and secondary schools and social institutions are also carrying out Chinese teaching. According to the statistics of relevant national institutions, the number of people studying Chinese abroad has reached 30 million
Wang Yunzhi said that the information processing technology of Chinese characters has also made great progress. In order to strengthen the in-depth development of Chinese language standardization and informatization, the Ministry of education and the State Language Commission have recently set up the National Technical Committee for language standardization, An information construction platform for ancient and modern Chinese characters will be established in line with the national standard. The earliest symbols to uncover the mystery of the origin of Chinese characters were carved 8000 years ago. From the ancient legend of Cangjie to the discovery of oracle bone inscriptions more than 100 years ago, Chinese scholars of all dynasties have been committed to uncover the mystery of the origin of Chinese characters
There are various opinions about the origin of Chinese characters in ancient Chinese literature, such as "knot rope", "eight trigrams", "picture" and "Book deed". There are also legends about the creation of Chinese characters by Cangjie, a historian of the Yellow Emperor. Modern scholars believe that systematic writing tools can not be completely created by one person. If there is a real person, Cangjie should be the arranger or promulgator of Chinese characters
The earliest carved symbols are more than 8000 years ago. In recent decades, Chinese archaeologists have published a series of unearthed materials related to the origin of Chinese characters earlier than the oracle bone inscriptions in the Yin Ruins. These materials mainly refer to the carved or painted symbols on pottery in the late primitive society and the early historical society, In addition, there are also a few symbols inscribed on oracle bone, jade and stone tools, which together provide a new basis for explaining the origin of Chinese characters
Wang Yunzhi, doctoral supervisor of Zhengzhou University, believes that the earliest Chinese Carved symbols appeared in the Jiahu Site in Wuyang, Henan Province, which has a history of more than 8000 years
As a professional, he tried to make a comprehensive arrangement of these raw materials through scientific means, such as comprehensive use of archaeology, ancient Chinese character construction, comparative philology, scientific and technological archaeology and high-tech means, so as to comb out some clues about the occurrence and development of Chinese characters before Shang Dynasty
However, the situation is not so simple. In addition to the Xiaozong materials of Zhengzhou Shangcheng site and Xiaoshuangqiao site (where more than 10 cases of early Shang Dynasty Zhu calligraphy and pottery inscriptions have been found in recent years), other pre Shang symbols are scattered and lack each other, Most of the symbols are not in conformity with the characters of Shang Dynasty
The system of Chinese characters was formally formed in the Central Plains. Wang Yunzhi believes that the formal formation of the system of Chinese characters should be in the Central Plains. Chinese characters are a writing system of independent origin, which does not depend on any foreign language. However, its origin is not single. After multiple and long-term running in, it is probably at the time of entering the Xia Dynasty, On the basis of extensive absorption and application of early symbol experience, the ancestors creatively invented the character symbol system for recording language. At that time, the Chinese character system matured rapidly
It is reported that according to the unearthed characters from archaeological excavations, there were official characters in China at least in the Yuxia period. For example, in recent years, archaeologists found the character "Wen" with brush and Zhu script on a flat pottery pot unearthed from the Taosi site in Xiangfen, Shanxi Province. These symbols belong to the basic configuration of the early character system, but such unearthed characters are still rare
Characters were first mature in the Shang Dynasty. As far as we know and can see, there are many types of character carriers. At that time, in addition to writing on the bamboo slips with a brush, the other main means of writing were carving on tortoise shells, animal bones, pottery, jade and pottery casting on bronzes. The characters of the Shang Dynasty were mainly carried by Oracle Bones and bronze ritual vessels, It is the earliest mature writing found in China so far
The characters of Shang Dynasty reflected in the Yin Ruins period not only reflected in the large number of characters and rich materials, The structural characteristics of the basic characters in Shang Dynasty can be divided into four categories: Taking the physical characteristics of human body and a part of human body as the basis of character construction; taking the objects created by labor as the basis of character construction; taking the images of animals and livestock as the basis of character construction; taking the natural images as the basis of character construction At the same time, the content described by these glyphs involves all levels of human and nature, so they also have the characteristics of extensive sources of formation