What is the structure of an adjective phrase?

What is the structure of an adjective phrase?

adjective phrase
1. Adjective phrase refers to a phrase composed of several adjectives or adjectives and their modifiers
2. Two or more adjectives can be connected by parallel conjunctions such as and, but to form adjective phrases
Your room is large and beautiful.
Your room is big and beautiful
Large and beautiful are adjective phrases
He is young but clever.
Young as he is, he is clever
Young but cleaver is an adjective phrase
3. Adverbs of degree such as very can be used as modifiers to form adjective phrases with adjectives
It is very hot today.
It is very hot today.
Very hot is an adjective phrase
The room was awfully dirty.
The room is too dirty
Awfully dirty is an adjective phrase
The road is long enough.
The road is long enough
Long enough is an adjective phrase, and enough is a modifier after the adjective
4. Prepositions and their objects can be used as modifiers after adjectives
I am sure of success.
I'm sure of success
Sure of success is an adjective phrase
The bottle is full of water.
The bottle is full of water
Full of water is an adjective phrase
5. Infinitives are used as modifiers after adjectives to form adjective phrases together with adjectives
He is sure to come.
He is sure to come
Sure to come is an adjective phrase
6. The comparative or superlative of adjectives and more, less, the most, the least are also adjective phrases
This is the most beautiful bird I have ever seen.
This is the most beautiful bird I have ever seen
The most beautiful is an adjective phrase