What are the prepositional phrases in English junior high school?

What are the prepositional phrases in English junior high school?

1、 Prepositions and prepositional phrases are often used together To / till / until 2. Because of, on account of, by means of, in front of, in spit of (= despite), instead of, in honor of, in danger of According to to, due to, with respect to, prior to, owning to, in relation to, in response to, to a great extent, in addition to (= sides) 4. Together with, along with, in connection with, in comparison with, art from 2, Think of, consider of, take charge of 2. Be composed of, be made up of, be able of, be typical of, less of, bar of, be decided of 3. The use of, the ratio of To, a minimum of 4. Match with 1. Deal with, interfere with, compare with / to, share with, join with 2. Be family with, family with, be trusted with, be associated with, be concerned with, be filled with, be informed with, be consistent with 5. Match with 1. Result in / from, succeeded in, lie in, specialize in, originate in / from, live in, Be interested in, be found in, be rich in, be involved in Long to, lead to, refer to, relate to, deny to, adapt to, adjust to, decide to, commit to, own to, do hard to, lead to, date back to, give way to, contribute to 2. Be resistant to, be similar to, be equal to, be sensitive to, be subject to, be close to, be native to, control to, be adapted to, be adapted to 1. Range from to,benefit from,distinguish… from ,derive from,stem from,break away from,protect from,prevent from,prohibit from,shield from 2.serve as,regard as,consider as,describe as,remember as,be known as,3.transform… into,convert… into,change… into,divide… into,4.rank among