The adjective "ing" is an adjective formed by adding "ing" to a verb Isn't ing used to express progressive? How can it express adjectives? What's the matter It doesn't work to use this form?

The adjective "ing" is an adjective formed by adding "ing" to a verb Isn't ing used to express progressive? How can it express adjectives? What's the matter It doesn't work to use this form?

It's similar to the noun verb adjective in Chinese. Verb means action, such as running, dancing, singing and flying. Noun means name, such as pencil, head and road. Adjective means other characters, such as smart, heavy and smooth
Three test papers for distinguishing nouns, verbs and adjectives
Xu Jian
Nouns, verbs and adjectives are three kinds of important notional words. Generally, we can distinguish them. But there are also some words that are not easy to distinguish. For example: quiet, arrangement, stability, outlet, excellence, leaving, doubt, doubt, surprise, surprise, etc
Do you remember how the teacher taught you to test the acidity and alkalinity of the solution in chemistry class? That is to use a kind of litmus test paper to drop the solution to be tested on the test paper. If the test paper turns blue, it means that the solution is alkaline. If the test paper turns red, it means that the solution is acidic
"Test paper" can also be used to distinguish nouns, verbs and adjectives
One is the word "no". Noun is the name of people and things. It has a special temperament: the word "no" is not allowed to be placed in front of it; while the word "no" can be placed in front of verbs and adjectives. In this way, we use the "test paper" of "no" to distinguish nouns from verbs and adjectives, There is no such statement, which shows that "no way out" and "no doubt" are nouns, and the rest are verbs or adjectives
The second is the word "very". The word "very" can not be used in front of nouns, but it can be used in front of adjectives. The usage of verbs to "very" can be divided into two situations: verbs expressing action, development and change, action tendency and judgment of existence, "Very" can be used in front of verbs expressing ability, willingness and psychological activities. Using the "test paper" of "very" can distinguish adjectives from verbs in the former situation. For example, "very quiet", "very stable" and "very colorful" can show that "quiet", "stable" and "excellent" are adjectives, It can be concluded that "arrange" and "leave" are verbs
The third is "action object". To distinguish verbs from adjectives, we can also use the third "test paper", that is, to see whether it can be followed by words indicating the action object. Most of the words that can be used are verbs, but not adjectives, such as "doubt others", "doubt a problem", etc, "Doubt" is a verb, while "surprise" and "surprise" can't be followed by words indicating the object of action, so "surprise" and "surprise" are adjectives. In addition, it must be noted that there are very few verbs, especially those expressing can and will, can't be followed by words indicating the object, purpose, or result, such as "can, will, will", etc
Most nouns, verbs and adjectives can be identified by the above three "test paper"