What is the method of finding the greatest common factor? How to find the least common multiple

What is the method of finding the greatest common factor? How to find the least common multiple

The greatest common factor is the product obtained by multiplying several divisors when several numbers are divided to have no common divisor. The least common multiple is the product obtained by multiplying all divisors and the division results when several numbers are divided to have no common divisor, First, divide three numbers. If there is no number that can divide these three numbers, but there are several numbers that can divide two of them, then continue to divide the two numbers and copy down the number that has not been divided. When there is no number that can divide two of them, the short division ends. After the division, multiply the divisor and the result of the division, The greatest common factor and the least common multiple of 18: 2 | 30,24,18. - --- 3 |. 15,12,9. - --- the greatest common factor of 5,4,3 = 2 × 3 = 6, the least common multiple of 3 = 2 × 3 × 5 × 4 × 3 = 360