Pronunciation rules in Chinese Pinyin For example, if two Chinese characters are the third tone, then the first Chinese character reads the second tone. Who can help me find out more pronunciation rules? Good answer, I will add a lot of points! Thank you!

Pronunciation rules in Chinese Pinyin For example, if two Chinese characters are the third tone, then the first Chinese character reads the second tone. Who can help me find out more pronunciation rules? Good answer, I will add a lot of points! Thank you!

There are mainly the following situations: 1. When two Shang Sheng characters are read together, the tone value of the first character changes to 35, which is equal to the tone value of Yang Ping. The tone change value is 214-35. For example, "mouse", the two characters are both Shang Sheng, but the pronunciation is Yang Ping, semi Shang Sheng, which is similar to but different from "prison mouse"