=I want to solve some fraction problems in the second grade of junior high school ①(5mn²)^-3/(4m³n)^-2 ② (3 under 1-2 radical) ^ 0 - (2 ^ - 1) + | - 3| ③a^-2b²*(-2²b^-2)^-2/a^-4b²

=I want to solve some fraction problems in the second grade of junior high school ①(5mn²)^-3/(4m³n)^-2 ② (3 under 1-2 radical) ^ 0 - (2 ^ - 1) + | - 3| ③a^-2b²*(-2²b^-2)^-2/a^-4b²

Original formula = 16m ^ 3 / 125N ^ 4 original formula = 1-1 / 2 + 3 = 3 and 1 / 2, that is, 7 / 2 did not understand, the relationship between the topics is a bit complicated