Several factorization problems in grade one of junior high school 1.(x-y)²+4xy 2.(x-1)(x-2)-2(2-x)² 3.(a²+ab+b²)²-9a²b²

Several factorization problems in grade one of junior high school 1.(x-y)²+4xy 2.(x-1)(x-2)-2(2-x)² 3.(a²+ab+b²)²-9a²b²

1. Original formula = x & sup2; - 2XY + Y & sup2; + 4xy = x & sup2; + 2XY + Y & sup2; = (x + y) & sup2; 2, original formula = (x-1) (X-2) + (4-2x) (X-2) = (x-1 + 4-2x) (X-2) = (3-x) (X-2) 3, original formula = (A & sup2; + AB + B & sup2;) & sup2; - (3AB) & sup2; = (A & sup2; + AB + B & sup2; + 3AB) (A & sup2; +