4.66 × 0.18 + 4.66 × 0.82-4.66 simple calculation of reward 10 Mother fenced a 5.8-meter-long, 4.6-meter-wide rectangular vegetable field to grow cucumbers, while father fenced a 5.2-meter-long square vegetable field to grow tomatoes. How long are the fences and how many square meters are the areas of these two vegetable fields?

4.66 × 0.18 + 4.66 × 0.82-4.66 simple calculation of reward 10 Mother fenced a 5.8-meter-long, 4.6-meter-wide rectangular vegetable field to grow cucumbers, while father fenced a 5.2-meter-long square vegetable field to grow tomatoes. How long are the fences and how many square meters are the areas of these two vegetable fields?

4.66 × 0.18 + 4.66 × 0.82-4.66 = 4.66 × (0.18 + 0.82-1) = 4.66 × (1-1) = 0. The area of vegetable fields in the besieged city of mom is s = 5.8 * 4.6 = 26.68 square meters, the perimeter is L = 2 * (5.8 + 4.6) = 20.8 meters, the area of vegetable fields in the besieged city of dad is s = 5.2 * 5.2 = 27.04 square meters, the perimeter is L = 2 * (5.2 + 5.2) = 20.8 meters