Fourth: write program to verify Goldbach conjecture: an even number greater than or equal to 6 can be expressed as the sum of two prime numbers Tip: input a number n greater than or equal to 6, divide it into the sum of two numbers n = a + B, the first number a from 2 to N / 2, the second number b = n-a, judge if a and B are prime numbers, then output

Fourth: write program to verify Goldbach conjecture: an even number greater than or equal to 6 can be expressed as the sum of two prime numbers Tip: input a number n greater than or equal to 6, divide it into the sum of two numbers n = a + B, the first number a from 2 to N / 2, the second number b = n-a, judge if a and B are prime numbers, then output

Verification is not proof
In addition, the algorithm should be very simple, C + + program as follows
bool Prime(n)
bool p=true;
for(int i=2;i