Fifth grade mathematics (a total of 5 problems, all of which need to solve equations.) 1. There are x pear trees and 3x peach trees. There are 240 pear trees and 240 peach trees. How many pear trees and peach trees are there? 2. A bus can take 32 people, and a small bus can take 5 people. 120 people in grade five go out for an autumn outing and rent 3 buses. How many more buses do they need? 3. The age of his father is 9 times that of XiaoCong, and that of his mother is 7.5 times that of XiaoCong. His father is 6 years older than his mother. How old is XiaoCong this year? 4. Car a and car B set out at the same time from two places 486km apart, and they ran in opposite directions. After 3.6 hours, they met. It is known that car a is 15 kilometers slower than car B per hour. How many kilometers does car B travel per hour? 5. The same number of chickens and rabbits live in the same cage. It is known that there are 18 fewer chicken legs than rabbit legs. Q: how many chickens and rabbits are there respectively?

Fifth grade mathematics (a total of 5 problems, all of which need to solve equations.) 1. There are x pear trees and 3x peach trees. There are 240 pear trees and 240 peach trees. How many pear trees and peach trees are there? 2. A bus can take 32 people, and a small bus can take 5 people. 120 people in grade five go out for an autumn outing and rent 3 buses. How many more buses do they need? 3. The age of his father is 9 times that of XiaoCong, and that of his mother is 7.5 times that of XiaoCong. His father is 6 years older than his mother. How old is XiaoCong this year? 4. Car a and car B set out at the same time from two places 486km apart, and they ran in opposite directions. After 3.6 hours, they met. It is known that car a is 15 kilometers slower than car B per hour. How many kilometers does car B travel per hour? 5. The same number of chickens and rabbits live in the same cage. It is known that there are 18 fewer chicken legs than rabbit legs. Q: how many chickens and rabbits are there respectively?

Pear tree x + 3x = 240
The number of peach trees is 60 * 3 = 180
It is necessary to rent an X minibus to solve the problem
That's five cars
Xie shexiaocong is x years old
X = 4 years old
The second car runs x kilometers per hour
Suppose there are more than x chickens and X rabbits, because the same number of chickens and rabbits live in the same cage