Find 352 power of 253 * 724 power of 427 + 252 power of 525 - 78th power of 87

Find 352 power of 253 * 724 power of 427 + 252 power of 525 - 78th power of 87

The number of bits is the continuous power of 3, and the number of bits is 3,9,7,1 cycle
So the 352 power of 253 is 1
The number of bits is the continuous power of 7, and the number of bits is 7,9,3,1 cycle
So the 724th power of 427 is 1
78 / 4 = 19 more than 2
So the 78 th power of 87 is 9
A digit is any power of a number of five, a digit or five
If the number of bits is 6 minus the number of bits is 9, the difference is 7
So the 352 power of 253 * the 724 power of 427 + the 252 power of 525 - the 78th power of 87 is 7