What are nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, numerals and articles in English

What are nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, numerals and articles in English

Abbreviations of various parts of speech
V verb
Pronoun, pronoun
VI is not as good as the object verb
Vt transitive verb
Adj adjective
Adv adverb
Preposition of prep
Conj conjunctions
Noun (noun) is a part of speech, but also a notional word, refers to the treatment of people, things, things, time, place, emotion, concept and other entities or abstract things of the word. Nouns can be independent into sentences. In phrases or sentences, pronouns can be used to replace
Pronouns are a part of speech that can replace nouns. Most pronouns have the functions of nouns and adjectives. According to their meanings, features and functions in sentences, pronouns in English can be divided into personal pronouns, possessive pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, self pronouns, reciprocal pronouns, interrogative pronouns, relative pronouns and indefinite pronouns
Verbs are words used to describe or express all kinds of actions. Basically, every complete clause has a verb. To express the second action, you can use infinitives, gerunds, equivalent connectives, subordinate connectives or adding clauses. According to their functions in sentences, verbs can be divided into four categories
Adjective is one of the main parts of speech in many languages. It is mainly used to modify nouns and express the characteristics of things
The definition of article article article is a kind of function word which is placed in front of the noun and restricts the noun. Article can be said to be a sign of the noun, and it can not exist independently without the noun. Article classification article can be divided into indefinite article "a, an", definite article "the" and zero article
Numeral is the word that expresses "how many" and "what number" is called numeral. Its usage is equivalent to noun or adjective. Numeral can be divided into cardinal number word and ordinal number word. The word that expresses number or order is called numeral. Numeral can be divided into cardinal number word and ordinal number word
Definition of adverb: adverb is a kind of word used to modify verb, adjective, adverb or whole sentence, which explains the concepts of time, place, degree, way, etc
The definition and characteristics of preposition a preposition is a kind of word used to express the relationship between words and sentences. It can not be used as a sentence element alone in a sentence. After a preposition, there are usually noun pronouns or other parts of speech equivalent to nouns, phrases or clauses as its object
Interjection 1. That is interjection. Express strong feelings and exclamation or greeting response words