Several mathematical problems about the first two real numbers 1. On the number axis, point a represents the root sign 3, and B is another point on the number axis to know the line segment AB = 1, then the number represented by point B is_____ ? 2. The area of an isosceles right triangle is 3. Find the waist length and the height at the bottom of the triangle 3. To build a cylindrical oil tank with the same bottom diameter and height, and the volume of the oil tank is 6.28 cubic meters, what is the bottom radius of the oil tank? four

Several mathematical problems about the first two real numbers 1. On the number axis, point a represents the root sign 3, and B is another point on the number axis to know the line segment AB = 1, then the number represented by point B is_____ ? 2. The area of an isosceles right triangle is 3. Find the waist length and the height at the bottom of the triangle 3. To build a cylindrical oil tank with the same bottom diameter and height, and the volume of the oil tank is 6.28 cubic meters, what is the bottom radius of the oil tank? four

1. Radical 3 + 1 or radical 3-1
2. Set waist as X (the following * denotes a multiplier sign)
X * x divided by 2 = 3 (the area of an isosceles right triangle is 3)
X = root 6
Bottom edge = 2 root sign 3 (sum of two waist squares = hypotenuse Square)
Height = 2 * root 3 divided by 2 root 3 = root 3
So waist = root 6, height = root 3
3. Let the bottom radius be x and the diameter be 2x
14 times the square of X, height = diameter = 2x
Because volume = volume = bottom area
So 3.14 times the square of X * 2x = 6.28
So the bottom radius is one meter